Consider becoming a Patron
It should be no secret that creating this type of content costs money - at a minimum the ammo to film these videos, let alone the cost of buying the gear if I can't beg/borrow it, plus the time it takes to produce this content. A typical gun review takes about an hour to load the ammo, 3 hours to shoot/film on the range, one to two hours to script, an hour on B roll, an hour on filming, and probably two to three hours in editing, and an hour or more to post. On average - a video costs me at least $100 just in gas/tolls/ammo and 11-12 hours. If I operated purely in the black via proceeds from YouTube advertising, affiliate sales - my production schedule would be 1-2 videos each month. Assuming zero cost for the equipment in the video - under the current ad model it takes about 6 months for that video to "break even" - if it is monetized at all - which is another issue. I say all that not to say "pretty please support my gun hobby" - but I'm a creature of incentives the same as anybody else.
My Patreon page is my original performance blog. If you like my writing here - you'll love it there. The writing here is more general and all encompassing for a broader audience while the content over on Patreon is more detail oriented and specific. I will generally not post deep dives on handgun techniques here - that kind of content is reserved for my patrons. For just $1 / month you can join up and see behind the curtain to what all is coming. Additionally - my Patrons get my priority attention. Got questions you wanted answered? I'm happy to deep dive with you on any topic you wish - from getting into reloading, to setting up your guns, to your first competition - and anything in between. I also offer remote coaching to tune you up for your first competitions. It's not intended to be a life long relationship - but if you're willing to put the work in - in a month or two you'll be up and running in competition - or I'm happy to give you a second set of eyes on your competition videos and give you direction for your training.
Additionally - I continue to step up my production quality. I graduated from the almighty cellphone video to a proper mirrorless camera with a shotgun microphone earlier this year. Next step woudl be a wireless lavalier mic.
If you've actually read this I appreciate your time. I endeavor to over deliver on value in everything I do. I want my content to be worthy of the time you spend to consume and hopefully entertain and educate. If I fall flat on that - please don't support me.